Is the law racist?
Probably not. Does the law
increase the probability of force being used against Blacks? Probably so.
Let’s explore this issue. Prior
to stand your ground laws, most states’ self-defense laws were based on
something called the “Castle doctrine.”
This doctrine allowed for people to use force (including deadly) in
their homes without having a duty to retreat.
They did have the duty to retreat outside of their homes. The Castle doctrine makes sense. If there is an intruder in your home, the
threat is real, imminent, and having to retreat is no longer reasonable. Use of force, including deadly force, is a
reasonable option in order to protect yourself and the lives of your family. There is not much of a racial element to the
Castle doctrine.
Stand your ground laws, though, remove the “duty to retreat”
requirement from places outside of the home.
As long as someone has a legal right to be in the location and have “reasonable”
fear for his/her life, force can be used.
Again, force can be used without having a duty to retreat. What is reasonable? This is where the element of race/ethnicity
is so relevant. Research (which I will
be happy to provide to those interested) shows that young people are viewed
more dangerous than older people; males are viewed more dangerous than females;
Black are viewed more dangerous than others.
Although these factors, alone, are powerful, the most powerful is the
combination of the three: young Black males.
Young Black males are viewed very dangerously, not only in general
society, but in important decision points in the criminal justice system (e.g.,
arrest, sentencing, etc.). Again, this
group is the victim of society’s prejudices.
When young Black males are in society, it presents a fear
among many. This is where the “reasonableness”
for fear from stand your ground laws become relevant. Is it reasonable to fear for your life when
in the presence of this group? Even if
words are exchanged or a fight ensues, is it still reasonable to fear for your
life? In the Trayvon Martin case, race appeared
to have played a role in why the initial confrontation took place. In the Jordan Davis case, the shooter felt “threatened”
because he “saw” a gun (though there was no gun) in the tinted car of young
Black males. Again, these laws are allowing
non-law enforcement citizens to determine “reasonable fear” among a group that
research has shown to be viewed dangerous.
People’s unfounded prejudices clearly are playing a role, and state laws
create the environment for these prejudices to result in actions.
Unfortunately, because stand your ground laws don’t require
a duty to retreat (even when not in your home), people are given the power to
determine what is reasonable. Law
enforcement officers are trained extensively on when force can be used, but
state legislatures have provided the very untrained general population with the
authority to determine this standard when outside of their home, since there is
no duty to retreat. As I mentioned at
the beginning, are stand your ground laws racist? Probably not.
However, do these laws allow for an increased probability of force being
used against certain groups? Take a look
at judge for yourself. What are your